Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Celebration

                 THE CELEBRATION

Chirping birdies, orchestrating the mystic tunes
Sparkling butterflies, flapping in tandem!
Distant dolphins swerving and skylarking
Cubs and calves, leaping in joy, together!

Orchids and lilies, blushing to bloom
Scented trees, throwing their fragrance afar
Sleepy Moon awaits the glimpse of his friend
Routine yet, rejuvenating celebration, about to begin

Emerging behind the soaring mountains
Ascending above the giant blue waves!
Sprinkling his golden-peach rays, beyond yon 
The Spectacular Sun, rises, to reignite and rekindle their Hope!

They sing and dance, again and again, with the esoteric Star!
Perhaps their last day, they smile on, blessedly ignorant!
Mutely shouting to the learned lot, To
Celebrate Life, each day, every moment!!

~ HMV ~

Poet's View: All the nature's creatures welcome the scientific, yet divine star-Sun and celebrate Sunrise like a festivity, every single day. They are quietly indicating to the mankind to enjoy it, without worrying about the tomorrows!

Glossaryorchestrate = organize; swerve = turn; skylark=play/dance around; yon=yonder/distant; rekindle=evoke; esoteric=mysterious/beyond common understanding

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