Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Question?

How does the moon hide that rabbit in his stomach, Mom?
How do the ghosts look in their real form?
Where is the heart and why does it beat, Dad?
Why does the food always taste so bad?

When will the bell ring? Its time to go home!
When will I enter the college, I want to break the norm!
What will I be, when I grow up? A teacher or a doctor?
How can I be the topper, always the topper?

When will I ride my dream bike with that girl at the back?
Am I doing my best, am I on the right track?
Does this suit me or am I meant for something greater?
When will I find the answers? Never, now or later?

Did I love my life? Did I live my life?
Was I happy day and night? Was everything right?
I know not the answers, my questions still teeter.
The latter were confusing, the former were sweeter.

I have this eternal question left unanswered yet
Where are you my Lord? I am in your debt!
Can you put me back to my mother’s womb?
Where there were no questions and I was blissfully numb.