Monday, June 15, 2020

The Puppeteer


The rhythmic crescendo reached the skies!
The charming Red Puppet, would fall and rise
Intelligent, gentle, egotistic and vulnerable, typical of his ilk
Pushed into the maze, never out of yonder gaze!

The doll laughed, cried, loved and piqued
Toddled, ran and flew around, fought and killed
Thought he controlled; Alas! being the controlled!
Strings were pulled, by the mighty hands!

Puppets on stage, off it, living thru illusion, 
Forgot the connect, crafted to forget, scripted in prelude
Cheered the actors, those visible mortals
Seldom did they notice, the invisible Master

The wily Puppeteer can juggle a myriad strings
His artful guile beyond fathomable thoughts
Tiny toys enter, dance and exit; the show goes on forever!
He knows the end, before creating His puppets, dear!!


 Poet's view: Apparently, the puppets depict the humans, whose lives are controlled by the Almighty. He has written the fate, he knows the beginning and the end, already!

Glossary: Puppeteer=one who plays puppets; crescendo=loud music; ilk=kind; yonder=distant/beyond; pique=offend/anger; toddle=baby walk: prelude=introduction; seldom=rarely; wily/guile=crafty; fathomable = understandable

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