Monday, November 18, 2019

His Master's Voice

His Master’s Voice

Wandering through the woods, wondering to untangle myths
To ‘Connect’ with the Supreme One, mulling it as the destination
The good old shepherd, amidst the Nature’s noise
Always yearned to hear, His Master’s Voice

The old man woke up, while he was awake
Brows lifted, eyes gleamed, mountains clapped, perhaps!
Ears drooped but the heart could hear His Voice
Riches forsaken, faiths abandoned, transcending bias and bigotry

Ubiquitous was His melody, in the hum of ripples,
In the echo of infant’s beam, in the chime of Rainbow arches!
In the murmur of kissing flowers, In the shivers of skies
In the tip-toed death’s clutches, in void, in Nothingness!

Presumed as end - the ‘Connect’ was forgotten, perpetual it was
For He shaped the shepherd, He steered the sheep, residing within, ever pervasive
This new-found man, albeit deafening Noise, realized the Sound of Silence!
That no means was indeed needed, to listen to His Master’s Voice!!

~ HMV ~

Poet’s View:  Poem depicts the enlightenment of a man who has forsaken riches and man-made faiths, wanting to connect with the Almighty. He now hears the Lord’s voice in everything around and realizes that no medium/means is required to stay ‘connected’ with Him.
Glossary: untangle=decode; mull=think over; yearn=crave; transcend=surpass; bigotry=religious prejudice; ubiquitous=omnipresent; beam=smile; perpetual=everlasting; pervasive= all-encompassing; albeit=although.