Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Heartless Doe!

Zillionth time, the lioness recounted the tale to her cub -
- ‘She adored her allies and admired her foes!
Tigers, foxes, hyenas – bunnies, birds and doves
There lived a Heartless Doe, cruel or kind, judge with your mind!’

‘Rivals despised her, kin were cynical too! Legends advised,
But tireless was she, explaining the inexplicable to the two!
She failed to speak softer, they differed to look deeper
There lived a Heartless Doe, not soulless, flawless neither’

‘She suffered inside, soared higher nonetheless
They blamed - she rebutted; she rued - they were ruthless
Eyes wider, blind they were, to see her golden heart
There lived a Heartless Doe, unaware of guile and art!’

Alas! the fist fight was endless, none would sway
Silenced by her soul, she withdrew and flew far away!’
I know not, if the Doe was Heartless or was it Him!
There lived a Heartless Doe… “Oh! she wasn’t so!” cried the little lion.

~ HMV ~

Poet’s View:  The poet tries to capture the perspective of all creatures/humans in general, using the story of a fabled Flying-Doe. He/she is a victim of emotional misunderstanding, from one’s own point of view, but the world around thinks otherwise.

Glossary: Doe = Female deer; despise=hate; kin = relatives; soar=fly; rebut=contradict; rue=regret; guile = wiliness/cleverness; sway = bend/fluctuate

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